

ever since first seeing The Fifth Element somewhen between age 8 and 10 it's my secret favourite film 4eva (so cheesy! so overthetop!), and ever since then i have a big weakness for miss milla jovovich. here is a campaign she did, strenesse blue f/w 97/98

source (also slightly bigger size, and some more)

now these pictures, i really love them, i really really love them from a visceral place, and i don't know why i react so strongly to these (believe me, i do), but i'll try to explain what it is that makes these so alluring to me. explain to you AND to me, that is. so,
maybe that place, how bleak it is, but so beautiful in it. the photography, how the compositions are all lopsided and how the entire thing, especially the colours (those colours!) looks like it's been shot on the cheapest use-once-then-throw-away-camera (though it's probably the opposite and the company paid not exactly cheap sums for the effects, but let me pretend). the styling, how it's technically boring and often not very flattering. milla looking so androgynous (i actually had my hair cut after a picture of this campaign). the intimacy of these. milla('s character) seems to be looking at someone close, look at how vulnerable she often appears here. this series makes me wish they illustrated a story, and i very much want to know what happened before. something bad and she and the one with the eyes/the camera escaped there because they trust each other and don't have to explain things around each other. it's funny, here i am back at the topic of explaining. somehow these tell enough quietly, queitly, just enough to not have to know more. i just can't seem to get at the point i'm trying to make. well, and finally - this is a vacation i want to be on, but i don't even know whether i want to be milla('s character) here, or whether i want to be the one observing her. interestingly enough that is a confusement i often encounter in 'real life', in how i understand, handle, [...] 'real life relationships' of all kinds.

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